Prerequisite: Freshmen standing
1 year, 1 credit
Grades 9-12
This is a first year course in the physical sciences, which is the study of interaction of matter and energy in our world. Students will be involved in general learning skills such as observation, reasoning, experimental techniques, laboratory experiences, analyzing data, and communication. Basic chemistry will include the structure of an atom, chemical compounds, and applications of chemistry. Basic physics will include the study of forces, motion, electricity, magnetism, sound, light, and the various forms of energy.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Introduction to Physics & Chemistry
1 year, 1 credit
Grades 10-12
This course is designed to be an overview of skills, techniques, and basic knowledge related to the scientific study of living things. Areas of study include: organization of life, the cell (its structure, contents and there functions, DNA and its functions, and how the cell divides), how traits are passed on, and a review of organisms from the Kingdom Animalia with hands-on laboratory dissection or representative phyla.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of both Introduction to Physics & Chemistry and Biology
1 year, 1 credit
Grades 11-12
Environmental Science is a laboratory science course that enables students to develop an understanding of the natural world and the environmental problems associated with it. Students will identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made and propose alternative solutions for resolving or preventing them.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Introduction to Physics & Chemistry
1 year, 1 credit
Grades 10-12
Chemistry begins to prepare the student for college level chemistry through basic concepts, theories and models. Topics will include atomic models, mathematical analysis, use of the periodic table, chemical reactions expressed in formulas and equations, and energy relationships in Chemistry. The student will develop a background in basic chemistry and participate in developing skills in problem-solving, theory building, modeling, and relating science to technology as applied in our society.
Prerequisite: Chemistry (B or better 2nd semester) or consent of teacher; successful completion of Advanced Algebra
1 year, 1 credit (This course will be weighted)
Grade 12
AP Chemistry consists of review of general chemistry concepts, with emphasis on problem-solving and quantitative analysis through laboratory experience. Topics covered may consist of, but are not limited to: stoichiometry, thermochemistry, gas laws, atomic structure, solutions, acid/bases, equilibria, oxidation-reduction, organic chemistry, and biochemistry. The focus is on skills needed by those taking college chemistry, especially in a health-related field.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Advanced Algebra and Geometry
1 year (alternating years), 1 credit
Grades 11-12
Physics is the most fundamental of all the sciences and is the basis of engineering. It is the study of matter and its interactions. The course is an in-depth study of mechanics (motion) including both linear and rotational mechanics, as well as the special and general theories of relativity. Emphasis will be placed on the limitations of classical physics and it’s enhancement by modern physics. Using the law of physics to solve problems will be stressed.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Biology and Chemistry, or consent of teacher
1 year (alternating years), 1 credit (This course will be weighted)
Grades 11-12
AP Biology is an introductory college-level biology course. Students cultivate their understanding of biology through inquiry-based investigations as they explore the following topics: evolution, cellular processes – energy and communication, genetics, information transfer, ecology, and interactions.