Digital and Social Skills: Building Strong Foundations
Even though academics are very important in school settings, there are other things that we feel are also important. This school year we are striving to help our students become better digital citizens and develop strong life skills.
In today’s digital age, it is more important than ever for our students to understand the responsible and ethical use of technology. Our digital citizenship lessons will equip students with the knowledge and skills to navigate the online world safely and effectively. Through engaging lessons and activities, our students will learn about the following topics relating to digital citizenship:
Media Balance and Well-Being
Privacy and Security
Digital Footprint and Identity
Relationship and Communication
Cyberbullying, Digital Drama, and Hate Speech
News and Media Literacy
Classrooms will go through different age-appropriate lessons from Common Sense Media and Neptune Navigate during their morning meetings and weekly Tech Time with our Library Media Specialist. Our hope is to teach students the appropriate and safe ways to use our ever-evolving technology so we create a school full of excellent digital citizens!
Our K-5 classes will also be bringing more social-emotional activities into morning meetings. Students will be watching videos, playing relationship-building games, doing brain boosters and mindful breathing exercises to regulate emotions, and reflecting on the lessons they learn.
Students will also have weekly Guidance lessons taught by our school counselor and counseling intern that go more in-depth than the morning meeting activities. We will use the Character Strong Curriculum that focuses on one character trait per month. The lessons are designed around three outcomes: Be Kind, Be Well, Be Strong.
The monthly traits that students will be learning about are as follows:
All elementary classrooms have daily morning meetings where they will incorporate both digital citizenship and Character Strong lessons. We are confident that integrating these things into the classroom will have a positive impact on our students’ lives. We encourage you to support your child’s learning by discussing these topics at home and reinforcing the important messages they are receiving at school. Thank you for the continued support!
-Chelsea Showers
EC-5 Principal
Important Information:
Teachers use Class Dojo - please make sure you sign up so you stay informed about happenings in your child’s classroom
Supervision starts at 7:40 am (please don’t drop students off earlier)
Students enter the building at 7:50 am and are encouraged to take our free breakfast daily!
Students will have snack time with their class each day - healthy snacks are a great idea to help our students’ growing minds and bodies
Each month, we discuss one of these important traits and then recognize students who consistently exhibit the trait. This helps build our students’ character!